Your One and Only: Book 1 of 2 (DiSantos Mafia Family Series) Part of: DiSantos Mafia Family Series (1 books) by Emilie LaForet


The Bunny

Stacy Waters lived a life of opulence and prestige but it was all a lie. It was a façade hiding generations of secrets and carnage.

No one truly knew her, including herself, and it drove her to the brink of insanity.

Her only comfort was the illicit love of her brother, John.

When he abandoned her, she realized that love was just another distortion. In his absence, she drowned in darkness, searching for someone like John to reciprocate her love, only to fall into the arms of monsters lurking in the shadows.

The Wolf

John Waters couldn’t reveal his true self. He was a psychopath who enjoyed killing and dreamed of making Stacy his victim every day since they met.

Through the years, a new craving that defied his nature grew stronger. Monsters like him weren’t supposed to love.

He tried to protect her by breaking her heart — again and again — but that only fueled the fire between them. It only made Stacy more determined and tempting. So he did the one thing she always begged him not to. He left.

What would you do to protect the one you cherish from your darkness?

Publication Date 30/7/2023

Your One and Only: Book 1 of 2 (DiSantos Mafia Family Series) Part of: DiSantos Mafia Family Series (1 books) by Emilie LaForet

My Review

Let’s start with the triggers…. There are plenty, so please read them before you read (you have been warned!!) this book.

It’s a hard book to read, not because of the writing (which is flawless) but because you’re dragged into their lives, and live through many of their turning points. You live their pain/joy and heartache!

I read it in one sitting, I just couldn’t put it down.

The main characters will leave an imprint on both your heart and mind. You’ll be thinking about their story long after you put the book down.

Stacy and John’s journey is not an easy one, we follow them through childhood, through puberty and into young adults.

Mental illness can be hard to understand if you’ve never travelled that road. Stacy battles it on a daily basis, it truly made me want to jump into the book and hold her hand in some scenes.

And Johnny has his own monster to cope with, but meeting his “bunny” changed something within him, and although I wanted to 🥊 him at times, I could understand what he had to do to protect Stacy.

It is hard going, it will leave you wondering what you’ve just read, but it will also be one of the most amazing books you’ll probably read this year. It may take me a while to read it again, but I’ll definitely need to read it again.

Oh ……. Cliffhanger!!!! WTAF 😳 that blew me away!!!


Published by jab1969

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