How to Fake-Date a Vampire (Charming Cove Book 2) by Linsey Hall


Faking it with a vampire duke should be simple, right?

I’ve got one chance to prove to my coven that I’m worth my wand. But to do it, I’m going to have to make a deal with a vampire duke. I get to use his gorgeous estate in Cornwall to host the Beltane Ball–and in exchange, I’ll pretend to be his girlfriend. But it’s all a show for his grandmother.

The rules of our fake relationship are simple:
No flirting. No emotion. No sex. Simple, right?

Except I can’t seem to ignore the allure of the infuriating and devastatingly sexy vampire. Falling for a duke isn’t an option, though. I would lose the anonymity that protects me and my coven, and that would ruin my life. And the lives of those in my coven.

So yeah, totally simple, right?

Publication Date 31/8/2023

How to Fake-Date a Vampire (Charming Cove Book 2) by Linsey Hall

My Review

Messy, disorganised and a total calamity meets, cool, calm and sophisticated, what could go wrong?

New to the area Emma (well if your not born there, you’re still new!) is a witch (not really a good one at that!) who is given the task of organising a main event. Eager to do her best, she decides on trying to get the owner of the large estate to let her use his home, except the Duke doesn’t like his home being invaded!

First encounter doesn’t go too well either! Emma has given up all hope of hosting the Beltane Ball, that is until Alaric suggests a deal… be his fake girlfriend and she can use his estate! Simple…. Well no actually all it does is complicate matters, chaos and mayhem ensues! Will the Ball ever get off the ground?

This is a lighthearted story, it will have you chuckling one moment, and then face palming the next as both Emma and her Duke blunder through romantic moments and you wonder how these two will ever get it together!

Main characters Alaric and Emma are just great. I liked they are opposites, I liked the fact it’s a slow burn, not your usual fated mates or destined to be together genre.

The writing is fast paced and really well put together, I finished it in one day, couldn’t put it down. And although it’s the second book in the Charming Cove series, it’s not required to read book one first, I haven’t read book one yet, so I didn’t feel like I’d missed anything. Although I’ll definitely pop back and read that one at some point.

So for a lighthearted vampire/witch romance, I’d highly suggest you grab this one.


Published by jab1969

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