The Thief: A Dark, Vigilante, Standalone Romance (The Soldiers of Anarchy Book 5) by Nikki J Summers


Five… minutes. That’s how long I was supposed to be there. Get in, get out. Job done.

Four… guns pointed at my head. It wasn’t supposed to go down this way.

Three… years old, and she clung to her mum as we sat huddled together on the floor, chained to the pipes on the wall.

Two… choices, when my time finally came. To let it all play out or fight with everything I had.

One… split second that changed the course of my life… forever.

My name is Tyler Evans. They call me The Thief. But on that day, the last thing I expected to become was the hostage.

The Thief is a dark, standalone romance set in the Soldiers of Anarchy world. You do not need to read the other books in the series to enjoy this story. Please read the trigger warnings at the beginning of the book before starting this journey.

Publication Date 30/5/2024

The Thief: A Dark, Vigilante, Standalone Romance (The Soldiers of Anarchy Book 5) by Nikki J Summers

My Review

It’s funny how in other stories Tyler comes across as a totally different character. He fades into the background, other voices are louder and stronger. But in this book, Tyler is up front and totally the main character.

If you’re new to the series, it’s totally fine to start here, each book stands on its own, and no need to read any of the previous books. But I can assure you like many of her other fans, you don’t want to miss any of the other stories, and after reading this, you’ll probably want to know how the rest of the soldiers meet their women. 😉

So if you’re new, here’s a quick rundown….

The Soldiers of Anarchy are young men who formed a vigilante group, they had a clear vision of what they wanted to do….. Keep the people of Brinton Manor safe from low life scum who would take advantage of them. People knew where to go, and who to talk to if they needed help. They are always one step ahead of the police, and they are careful never to leave any evidence to tie them to anything suspicious.

I loved how we got to meet young Tyler before he became a loyal brother and soldier. He wasn’t a nice teen, he stole, he lied and he didn’t give a damn about other people…. Not until he meets and witnesses the soldiers brand of justice! Slowly Tyler learns that it’s better to help others, it gave him a sense of purpose.

We also get to meet the love of his life at an early age. But it’s more dislike at first sight rather than love 😆

Jess definitely knew of the young lout Tyler. He’s rude/loud and a thief. She makes it clear that he’s scum and will always be scum. But Jess didn’t have all the facts, and Tyler wasn’t going to put her straight.

Moving to the present day, and Tyler is in the bank minding his own business chatting to a cute mum and daughter. When the unthinkable happens….A bank robbery!!

Tyler thinks of nothing but protecting the cute daughter and mum. Placing himself front and Center, he’s going to do everything he can to take on the robbers! It’s only when the mum starts to protest and ask him to be calm, he realises he’s going to do as she asks. He’s fallen for this cute duo and now it’s all he can think of!!

Jess can’t believe she’s in the queue with Tyler! He doesn’t recognise her, but she sure remembers him, she also remembers how she treated him and all the unkind words she said. But before she can jog his memory, the bank is being held up by masked men!! Her priority is keeping her daughter safe!! She doesn’t need a hero getting himself 💀!!

We spend a fair amount of time in the bank. They really aren’t nice guys, shooting because they can. Making horrible threats and even carrying a few out! And when one of the gang member wants to assault Jess, Tyler just about loses it. Making himself a target to keep Jess safe, is going to get him 💀!!

Revenge and finding out who the bank robbers are, has Tyler scouring the manor. Someone has to know who they are. And he’s not above using violence to get their names. His brothers in arms are willing to help Tyler in anyway he needs. If one needs help then they pull together and get it done.

This is the last book in the series. And it’s sad to say goodbye to Brinton Manor and the soldiers. But the good news is we get to have a book full of previous characters.

There are triggers in the book, please read the warning the author gives you.

I’m sad to see the boys go. But I’m happy that they all get a HEA 💜💜💜

A highly recommended read. Grab the book, grab the series, then grab the spin off series (Sandland


Published by jab1969

Hi I’m an avid reader. I also write reviews for the books I read. Come in and say hi. You can find me on GoodReads, Bookbub, and NetGalley 👩🏻‍💻 I also review on an awesome site The Reading Cafe (run by Barb and Sandy) Here is where you can find my reviews…. GoodReads: Blog: Amazon: Bookbub: BooksBooksandmoreBooks FB page: TikTok Instagram Twitter Link <img src=""

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